Sunday 27 November 2011

Project Idea

When i first started thinking about my idea for  this project i was quite worried. im not the best with photoshop and staged lighting i find both quite difficult, so i really wanted to come up with an idea that was personal to me and that would also really challenge my skills and help me learn new ones.

At first i tried to come up with daft gimmicks for images, fairy tales and super heros etc. this didn't go too well, i just couldn't get myself inspired enough. so i started to think about my own life instead of a fictitious one. this really helped and i soon came up with some interesting ideas.

Im currently at a hectic time of my life, I have so many new and exciting things going on which is great but at the same time its all really stressful. i've just bought my first house with my boyfriend (massive step ! ) i'm starting to realise that i'm a grown up now and i have to start thinking about the future and how i'm going to handle it. This is also my final year at uni (very scary !!, big bad world approaches ! ). I've realised that times is going very fast and soon ill be going out in to the world to begin my life/career, what ever that will be. Put together with other parts of my life these things are something that i'm not alone in my worry with.

I think maybe its a girl thing but, i'm sure men don't worry about so many things as we do, i cant imagine what it will be like when i have children !!. 
Many young adults at this age, begin to realise the future and how scary it is. We go through university on the fun train not really worrying about what comes at the end so when you get there its all a bit of a shock.

For Girls, its a strange age. we are thinking about our careers and social lives the same as men but at the same time we tend to think about the bigger picture, where will i live in the future, will i have enough money ?, who will i marry ? will i have children ? so many questions and worries start to appear.

I think this is why there is the assumption that all women can and must be fantastic at multi tasking. i'm sure we have all wished at some time that we could clone ourselves so we can be in two places at once, or that we could have 6 arms so that we could do it all at the same time.

So here we have my idea for my project; Women multi tasking. Some times i really don't think that others (men) realise sometimes how hard it is to juggle commitments, so i really want to put this across in my images.
I think this project can go two ways, i can either make it quite comical and fun or make it more arty and surreal....we shall see what happens.

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