Thursday 19 January 2012

Project evaluation

Project brief...And evaluation...

Produce an elaborate and intricate body of work which is created and produced using digital technologies and image manipulation techniques.  The portfolio can be anything from a single elaborate composite image, or a portfolio of several images.  The work must be critically and conceptually informed, communicating about a particular topic appropriately. 

This project has been a really interesting learning experience, I have learn many new valuable editorial techniques. I have also discovered new ways of looking and thinking about how i put my images together.

My project has been based on the idea of multi tasking, and how young women today worry about juggling all areas of their lives successfully. 
I initaly thought of making a portrait of a woman with many arms but i didn't think that this would fully put across my thoughts. The idea that i have gone with i think fits the notion of multitasking fairly well. I decided to use multiple composites of a 'woman ' character in different life roles. I have 'University girl', 'Work girl' and 'party girl'. I wanted to fill the images with all aspects of the role they were undertaking, but for there still to be an element of their 'other selves' some where in the image.

I'm happy with the final images although i know i could have done a lot more a lot better.
 At the start of this project i was very enthusiastic about the project and had been really inspired by examples of photographers that i had seen. As the project went on i did not give myself enough time to complete the the project to the standard i know i am capable of.

I think my main downfall with the images was the actual shoots. I used various pieces of equipment that i was not familiar with and I didnt spend enough time learning/practicing  lighting techniques and thinking about compositions, therefore the blending and overal final look of the photographs suffered. If i were to re do this project there are things that i would seriously take into consideration.

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